New moon in Scorpio: Still waters run deep

Welcome to October’s new moon: just a few days before Halloween, or Samhain, to give its pagan name. Scorpio is a water sign, and in this emotional sign, still waters run deep. The last full moon was intense for many of us in the fire sign of Aries, and this moon brings both the end and the beginning of one intense phase towards another. The astrology of our times is certainly reflective of the shakeup and changes we see happening all around us, so let’s explore how this new moon in Scorpio can help us navigate all the transformations taking place.

Symbolism of the moon

Scorpio is a sign of transformation, and true transformation comes from delving deep into one’s soul, and getting stuck into all that lurks there. Rather than something to be feared, Scorpio is a sign to be respected as it offers us all the chance to grow and develop as human beings and spiritual creatures. Whilst intense, if we can plan and prepare for this time, by making sure our needs are being met and that we feel supported and safe, then we can use this time to become clear on our intentions, our goals, and what we want to give back to life.

Phoenix from the flames

Scorpio is the sign often associated with sex, and this is an area that requires our full vulnerability and presence in order to be the most satisfying! How can you cultivate your sexual energy this month? You don’t necessarily need a partner - sexual energy can be expressed in many ways, including how you touch, dress and talk to your body. Be aware of how you talk and think about others. Thinking badly of others drains our energy. This doesn’t mean you ‘fake it’ and pretend you love everyone around you, but just explore if there’s anyone in your life you are ready to forgive and release, or if there are any processes that might help you work through old emotional baggage and repressed issues. Scorpio is determined, so find ways to work through the intensity. Breathing is always a good thing to do! Yoga helps to regulate your breath, which is thought to be one of the reasons why it’s so good for our mental health. Dancing, running or sweating in any way could also help you shake off the old grudges and beliefs that are no longer helping you. You may feel driven with all the things there are to do, but remember that energy is low at this time. Pace yourself, celebrate the tasks you do achieve and don’t forget that new moon is a quiet and introspective time, so give yourself permission to slow down, move softly, and take life a little easier in the next few days.

New Moon Intentions

Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are great example of Scorpio women, both having been awarded ‘sexiest women alive’ awards in their time. Not just famous for their good looks, both have partaken in humanitarian work. Writer Margaret Atwood demonstrates the Scorpio’s creativity and the capacity to access darkness with her dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale. Leonardo Dicaprio and Joaquin Phoenix are actors who have carved out careers playing intense characters, most recently with Joaquin Phoenix playing The Joker.

Use this moon to prepare for hibernation! If you’re experiencing the emotional intensity of this phase, don’t try to repress it. Have a deep and passionate conversation with friends and loved ones, talk to a counsellor or therapist if that will help you, or spend time with nature letting her soothe and hold you. Regardless of what is happening in your own life, the whole world is in transformation. Use the determination of Scorpio to keep your focus, and let the quietness of the new moon encourage you to rest.