2021 - what's in store?

2020 was quite the rollarcoaster. What can astrology tell us about 2021, and how can we support ourselves during disruptive and revolutionary times?

Let me start by sharing some astrology basics. Astrology is a tool of divination. This means that astrologers use the movement of the planets to understand the events on our planet. It is based on many old traditions, including Vedic (indian), Greek and Egyptian, and assumes a significance and meaning to our universe, and a belief that there is more to us humans than meets the eye.

We all have a unique ‘thumb print’ in astrology. This is known as the natal chart, and uses the date, time and place of our birth to provide what I refer to as a symbolic photograph of the sky at the precise moment we were born. You can see your own birthchart for free by visiting astro.com.

When looking ahead at the whole year, I can only make very general comments. This is because the movement of the planets affects us all differently, depending on our own natal chart. Still, even without knowing your own chart, it can be both informative, insightful and even reassuring to have a cosmic viewpoint of events on planet Earth. So, let’s get stuck in…

Radical Restructure

The biggest transit to be aware of this year is the Saturn Uranus square. This means that these two planets are at an angle to one another that is referred to in astrology as a square. Think of squaring up for a fight, and you get an idea of what a square refers to. It is a conflict, a challenge, between Saturn, representing materialism, earth energy, tradition and structure, squaring Uranus, representing revolution, transformation, disruption and freedom.

This is really a key theme for the next two years, and I believe 2020 was the a year of setting the foundation for some of the changes to come. In 2020 we saw dismantling of traditional ways of working, with more people working from home, or the less fortunate losing their jobs. This is one way the symbolism of disruption of Saturn-energy can come through. We also saw power struggles through 2020, particularly with Black Lives Matter and the continuing fight for justice and equality. This is another example of the revolutionary energy of Uranus transforming the traditional Saturn hierachy of power.

Whilst these two planets will be squaring all year, the exact squares take place on 17th February, 13th June and 24th December. It may be that around these dates we see a sense of struggle between the conventional and unconventional, with both sides refusing to budge! Watch out for echoes of this in your own life, and any area of your life where you may be feeling discompassionate or uncompromising.

We are all affected by the changes taking place in our world. Those of you with planets in the early degrees of the fixed signs, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, might feel more personally affected, but we must remember that we are all in this together. In the same way we breathe the same air, we share the experiences of grief, chaos and unrest. Stay connected to your loved ones, spend time in nature, nurture your body, and avoid too much negative news consumption.

Glimmers of hope

2021 does offer us more hope than 2020, I am pleased to say. This comes particularly when Jupiter moves briefly in Pisces from mid May to late July. In my last blog I shared the momentous event of Jupiter and Saturn moving into Aquarius together (you can read that here), and although there is a sense of freedom when Jupiter finally moved out of Capricorn, Jupiter will really come into its own when moving into Pisces.

This could reflect in more opportunities to travel, to study. There could be an expansion in spiritual learning and development, a feeling of liberation. Be warned this will be brief, and if you do find yourself making travel plans for this time, be prepared to be adaptable. Although Jupiter just dips into Pisces for a few months this year, 2022 see the full movement of Jupiter into Pisces, so we can treat this time as a little “sneak preview” of Jupiterian themes that may emerge more fully in 2022.

All in all, 2021 seems to be providing us with disruption and change at a faster pace than 2020, but with more pockets of optimism and hope. Remember, that while the world may feel like its changing rapidly around us, our true sense of stability comes from within. You can make a conscious choice each day to be kind to yourself, to free yourself from the tyranny of ‘should’s’, and remember and whilst Uranus brings that disruptive fast-paced rebellion, real change takes time. So don’t rush, and don’t panic. Take one day at a time. We are all in this together.

One thing I personally love about astrology is that it offers a non-judgemental way of viewing the world, and creates more empathy and compassion for ourselves and each other. We can start to view the world in a less personal way - and see ourselves as part of this momentous time in history. Whilst this doesn’t remove any suffering, it can alleviate the suffering a little. I view this as a form of yoga, an awareness of our connection to one another, our Earth, our universe, as well as the all-important connection to body and breath. I am continuining to offer one-to-one work online, both in astrology readings and therapeutic yoga support - all details are here.

You can also join me for a New Moon Gathering every month, where I share some more simplistic astrology relating to the lunar cycle, and offer restorative yoga practices, yoga nidra and journalling. More details here. The next event is Friday 15th January, and all are welcome - you don’t have to understand astrology!

Photo by Bekky Bekks on Unsplash